Sinning is winning

This site is dedicated to the Swinging Lifestyle in New England. Life is short and sex is fun! Having to work Monday through Friday at your 40+ hour a week job is a drag! By the time the weekend comes around you have earned a little excitement. If you are a church goer, it gives Jesus one hell of a story on Sunday morning while you bless yourself and blush.
So if you are a swinger or have ever thought about the swing lifestyle here it all is on a neat little webpage. If you have anything to add or questions feel free to send an email:
If you are easily offended or uptight go to youtube and watch crazy cat videos. This site is not for you. However if you are looking for some hot fun in New England feel free to come on in!

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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Focus on a Fetish: Fancy Feet

Each week our very own Sinner Girl Siobhan is going to turn her focus on a different Fetish in this section called "Focus on Fetish"

Foot Worship/Shoe Fetish

Lets step into this fetish! Today we are talking about foot fetishes, they come with many different names such as: Foot fetishism, Foot partialism, Foot worship, Pedophilia


Long story short, it all leads to a sexual interest in feet. This fetish includes shoes and tickling of the feet. Dangling of shoes and sock fetishes as well. Most points of attraction to feet are shape, size of foot, toes, toe nails, high arches, soles, jewelry, treatments, dressed or undress, odor, and sensory. That's quite a list right?

Foot fetishism is the most common fetish related to the body. Most doctors believe that much like most fetishes this one stems from a specific moment in their younger years where they felt stimulation in the feet such as being tickled by a foot.

Researchers have also found that foot fetishes were very popular during the 12th, 16th, and 19th century due to STD epidemics such as gonorrhea (12th) and syphilis (16th & 19th). There was even a noted increase in foot play during the AIDS epidemic because it was considered to be a safe sex alternative.

No matter how you cut it, what I’ve learned is that most people you encounter will enjoy some form of foot interaction.

Useful links:
Do You Like Foot Fetish Sex And Want A Foot Partner?   
How It Feels To Have A Foot Fetish

How To Admit To A Foot Fetish

The Ultimate Foot Fetish Guide: Why People Worship & Suck Toes

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