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This site is dedicated to the Swinging Lifestyle in New England. Life is short and sex is fun! Having to work Monday through Friday at your 40+ hour a week job is a drag! By the time the weekend comes around you have earned a little excitement. If you are a church goer, it gives Jesus one hell of a story on Sunday morning while you bless yourself and blush.
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Wednesday, November 7, 2018

My Dick is SO BIG!

My dick is so big; it has tonsils.
My dick is so big; it has bark.
My dick is so big; it can only be measured in theory.
My dick is so big; it has a horizon.
My dick is so big; I can fuck the ocean.
My dick is so big; sometimes it jerks me off.
My dick is so big; that when I fly, it has to take the train.
My dick is so big; FedEx won’t insure it.
My dick is so big; it was impeached by Congress.
My dick is so big; it’s got its own gang sign.

My dick is so big; it could eat a horse.
My dick is so big; Florida had to measure it twice.
My dick is so big; it snubbed the Oscars.
My dick is so big; it has a north pole.
My dick is so big; it has gaskets.
My dick is so big; it killed its ex-wife and got away with it scott free.
My dick is so big; I rent it out for weddings and Bar-Mitzfahs.
My dick is so big; I run three-legged races by myself.
My dick is so big; my urologist is a Sherpa.
My dick is so big; it’s not just famous, it’s IN famous.

My dick is so big; it has a stunt double.
My dick is so big; you must be at least 48 inches to ride.
My dick is so big; that I look like its dick in front of it.
My dick is so big; one side never sees the sun – it’s the dark side of my dick.
My dick is so big; it has a vanity plate that reads 1 BG DK.
My dick is so big; it has nostrils
My dick is so big; I can fuck a car wash.
My dick is so big; it has a nucleus.
My dick is so big; it has a drink named after it. It’s called Slow Gin Dick.
My dick is so big; that there’s not enough earth to bury me with it.

My dick is so big; “Oh Yeah” is its theme song.
My dick is so big; it was framed for murder as part of an intricate prescription drug scandal.
My dick is so big; the Pope has blessed it.
My dick is so big; compasses do not function properly around it.
My dick is so big; VH1 is letting it host an episode of “The List”.
My dick is so big; Al Gore invented it.
My dick is so big; premature ejaculation takes ninety minutes.
My dick is so big; I’m listed as an organ donor twice on my driver’s license.
My dick is so big; black holes fall into it.
My dick is so big; it was on a Wheaties box.

My dick is a VIP, Very Important Penis.
My dick is so big; the Romans named their God, Simplyvs Hvges Giganticvs Erectia Dickvs, after it.
My dick is so big; it has a commemorative stamp.
My dick is so big; it has its own entourage.
My dick has a sunrise and sunset.
My dick is so big; sperm banks pay interest.
My dick is so big; it puts out 300kW – Standard!
My dick is so big; I have to sell it wholesale.
My dick is so big; it has stretch marks.
My dick is so big; it’s wanted in nine states, and Canada.

My dick is so big; they cold run the Indy 500 on it, with no turns.
My dick is so big; it’s getting its own State Quarter.
My dick is so big; it sleeps with one eye open.
My dick is so big; it has training wheels.
My dick is so big; someone once used it as a lifeline on, ‘Who wants to be a Millionaire?”
My dick is so big; my erections cause a total eclipse.
My dick is so big; black people say “He’s got a big ass dick.”
My dick is so big; I use it to spear fish.
My dick is so big; VH1 did a “Behind the Music” about it.
My dick is so big; I lost my legs in Vietnam and can still drive a manual.

My dick is so big; they ride it in rodeos.
My dick is so big; the LAPD used it to beat Rodney King.
My dick is so big; when I get aroused, the Earth develops an elliptical orbit.
My dick is so big; it’s in a boy band with four other big dicks.
My dick is so big; it’s a government scapegoat.
My dick is so big; it has its own seat in Congress.
My dick is so big; it’s worshipped as a Pagan God.
My dick is so big; I can change channels without the remote.
My dick is so big; I can smuggle 14 kilos of crack, 9 stolen cars, and 5 illegal immigrants across the border in it.
My dick is so big; it has its own zip code.

My dick is so big; it sank the Titanic.
My dick is so big; it’s the opening act for KISS’s farewell tour.
My dick is so big; the great wall of China is just a guide rail for me to tour the country.
My dick is so big; Saddam was found hiding in it.
My dick is so big; it makes the Grand Canyon scream “NOOOOOOOOO!!!!”
My dick is so big; the government is suing it for anti-trust violations.
My dick is so big; if I were a porn star, I could only make movies in Widescreen.
My dick is so big; it has its own fraternity, Delta Theta Cock.
My dick is so big; it has an ego.
My dick is so big; it has its own line of hip hop clothing.

My dick is so big; I have to stand in the hall when I take a piss.
My dick is so big; it won the Nobel Peace Prize.
My dick is so big; Scott Adams writes a cartoon about it. It’s called “Dickbert”.
My dick is so big; it played Daddy Warbucks on Broadway.
My dick is so big; it gives me an allowance.
My dick is so big; it IS the government.
My dick is so big; it is a tax write-off.
My dick is so big; when in Leno’s mouth you can’t see his chin.
My dick is so big; it was a bouncer at Studio 54.
My dick is so big; it’s sectional.

My dick is so big; the man always be tryin’ to keep it down.
My dick is so big; it hangs out on the set of “Friends”.
My dick is so big; I can play mailbox baseball while driving.
My dick is so big; Alan Greenspan uses it to raise interest rates.
My dick is so big; I decorate it at Christmas time.
My dick is so big; if I didn’t sleep on my side, planes would crash into it at night.
My dick is so big; the doctor had to use a chainsaw to circumcise me.
My dick is so big; they use Sequoias to test my condoms.
My dick is so big; Calvin Klein named a fragrance after it. It’s called CK My Dick.
My dick is so big; I have to use a complex irrigation system just to take a piss.

My dick is so big; it used to be a Harlem Globetrotter.
My dick is so big; it stormed the beach at Normandy.
My dick is so big; it affects the weather.
My dick is so big; it’s my boss.
My dick is so big; it gets manicures.
My dick is so big; it has an axle.
My dick is so big; it has a brain.
My dick is so big; it has a reinforced foundation.
My dick is so big; many consider it the Eighth Wonder of the World.
My dick is so big; it is the internet.

My dick is so big; it is Santa Claus.
My dick is so big; it has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
My dick is so big; it can stand up.
My dick is so big; I can fuck a volcano.
My dick is so big; I have to stow it in the overhead bin on planes.
My dick is so big; it has it’s own time zone – Central Dick Time.
My dick is so big; it was recently split into two area codes.
My dick is so big; it was part of the human evolution.
My dick is so big; it could feed Ethiopia for a month.
My dick is so big; it has a moon.

My dick is so big; it has branches.
My dick is so big; movie theaters now serve popcorn in small, medium, large, and my dick.
My dick is so big; it graduated a year before I did.
My dick is so big; a homeless family lives underneath it.
My dick is so big; there was once a movie called Godzilla VS. My Dick.
My dick is so big; we use it at parties as a limbo pole.
My dick is so big; I was once in Ohio and got a blowjob in Tennessee.
My dick is so big; Michael Jackson wants to build an amusement park on it.
My dick is so big; I entered a big-dick contest and it came in first, second and third.
My dick is so big; the head of it has only seen my balls in pictures.
My dick is so big; I’m already fucking a girl tomorrow. 

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