Let's face it, no matter how you look at it or how majestic we may think ours is, the penis itself is less than a serious looking part of the body. If anything it is down right goofy looking. Sort of like the good Lord above had 10 minutes left to his shift and he had Peter telling him to come on already because he had cold water all set to be turned into beer in the car. (I realize A LOT of what I just said there was really, really wrong!) I grew up Catholic, we didn't read the Bible we read the Cliffs Notes otherwise known as the Gospel or just the pamphlet after our half hour sit/ stand/ kneel workout topped off with handshakes, wine and crackers. A penis is still a penis no matter how you look at it or what you call it. However we have compiled this list of euphemisms. That way when you do call for it, at least it will make you giggle.
Action Jackson
Alabama Black SnakeAlbino Asparagus
Atomic Turtle
Baloney Pony
Baloney Baton
Bat and Balls
Bed Snake
Boney Macaroni
Beef Bayonet
The Big Dipper
Big Jake the One-Eyed Snake
The Blue-Veined Aristocrat
Buster Hymen
Captain Winky
Cave Hunter
Custard Launcher
Cervix Crusader
Chief of Staff
Clam Digger
Clam Hammer
Cock-a-saurus Rex
Count Schlongula
Crotch Rocket
Crotch Vomiter
Cupid’s Arrow
Dangling participle
The Dicktator
Disco Stick
Dr. Feel Good
Dora the Explorer
Earthworm Jim
Easy Rider
El Presidente
Elmer the Glue Shooter
Energizer Bunny
Everlasting Gob Dropper
Fat Albert
Flesh Flute
Frank n’ Beans
Fuck Puppet
Gash Mallet
George… I will name him George, and I will hug him and pet him and squeeze him.
Georgia Kingsnake
The Giving Tree
Grabthar’s hammer
Hairy Houdini
Hanging Chad
Hank and the twins
Happy Harry Hard-on
He Who Must be Obeyed
Heat Seeking Moisture Missile
Herman von Longschlongenstein
Hyman Buster
Ivan the Terrible
Jimmy Wriggler
Just-in Beaver
Kaptain Kielbasa
Kidney Scraper
King Dingaling
King Dong
Lance of Love
Lap Lizard
Lap Rocket
Lewinski Lunch
Lincoln Log
Little Elvis
Long Dong Silver
Longrod Von Hugedong
Lord Hardwick
Love Shaft
Moby Dick
Meat Scepter
Mr. Happy
Mr. Wang and the Ping Pong Boys
Mr. Sniffles
Muff Marauder
Mutton Dagger
My Little Poney
One-eyed trouser trout
Otis Deepthroatis
Pleasure Pump
Porridge Gun
Prince Everhard of the Netherlands
Puff the One-Eyed Dragon
Purple Helmeted Warrior of Love
Purple Headed Love Soldier
Python of Love
Richard and the Twins
Russel the One-Eyed Muscle
Sergeant Stiffy
Sex Pistol
Sludge Pump
Spam Javelin
Spitting Cobra
Tan Banana
Taco Inspector
Telescope Of Love
The Bone Ranger
Thrill Drill
Tonsil Tickler
Trouser Snake
Twig and Berries
Tummy Banana
Tuna Torpedo
Uncle Reamus
Vaginal Depth Detector
Vagina Miner
Vomit Rod
Veinous Maximus
Vlad the Impaler
Wally the one-eyed wonder wiener
Weapon of Ass Destruction
Wedding Wrecker
Whore Thermometer
Wee Willy Winkie
Womb broom
Womb Raider
Woody Womb Pecker
Yogurt Slinger
Zipper ripper
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